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Strategic Priorities

The Industry Advisory Board (IAB) is an open and diverse group of industry partners representing solutions and technology that support the goals of safe drivers, safe vehicles and secure identities.

Support AAMVA jurisdictional membership:

IAB offers decades of expertise to help jurisdictions improve processes, increase security and streamline communications and data exchange.  We are a collaborative organization dedicated to ongoing education and the open exchange of ideas.

Support AAMVA’s board of directors:

IAB shares the philanthropic goals of the board and offers meaningful support to the charitable organizations identified by regional chairs.  Whether it be monetary donation or active participation, we are dedicated to the causes that support others and improve lives.

Support each other:

IAB gives its members an opportunity to network with a community of like-minded organizations.  Many of us have been associated with the AAMVA community for many years and happily offer support, guidance and insights to those that have not.  We exchange ideas, make introductions and work to advance our shared goals.

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